Our Services

A Comprehensive Solution in 
One Application Suite
The Federal RPM application suite is a real property management system that is specifically designed to meet the needs of real property managers in the federal government.
Updated to meet evolving federal rules, regulations and changing business processes, our software solutions include:

  • Wind turbine and solar farm
  • Real Property

    The Federal Real Property Management module offers the 'best practices' of the private sector for real property, while complying with the myriad of government regulations.

    We understand that simply offering the 24 data elements required by Executive Order 13327 is not enough to fulfill the needs of property managers in the federal enterprise. In addition to E.O. 13327 our real property module also complies with:
    • Core Financial System Requirements (required by GAO in 1990);
    • Accounting Standard #6, Accounting for Property, Plant and Equipment (required by the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board in 1995);
    • Seismic Safety (required by Executive Order 12941 in 1995);
    • Mandatory and value-added requirements for property, plant and equipment systems (issued by the Financial Systems Integration Office in 2000)
    • GSA delegation reporting requirements (GSA Bulletin 2007-B1).
    • Federal Real Property Profile (FRPP): guidance rule changes from 2005-2019.
    • DHS Billing Changes (FY2019).
    The module provides not only 'best practices' and compliance with federal regulations, but also employs email alerts to keep real property managers apprised of required work activities.

    GSA Rent

    This software is designed for property managers in the federal government whose real property portfolio includes buildings leased from GSA.

    The Federal RPM GSA Rent/DHS Security module provides for the full processing and verification of your monthly GSA rent bill. The module also includes functions for Occupancy Agreements, Reimbursable Work Authorizations, cost/space allocation, charge-backs (credit requests), detailed budgets and much more.

    The Federal RPM GSA Rent module has been used by agencies to process and analyze billions of dollars in GSA/DHS invoices. This is a one-of-a-kind module that will turn your GSA rent program into an effective, efficient, cost-savings machine.

    Recovery Audit

    GSA Rent
    A recent internal study conducted by GSA found that over 20% of their invoices were inaccurate. With GSA rent increasing at an average rate of 10% per year, a recovery audit program is an essential tool to help control your GSA rent expenses.

    FSC's recovery audit services scrub every inch of your GSA rent bill at no cost. A low-risk program, our fee is based on the recovery of overcharges from GSA. 

    After rent, the next largest cost of occupancy is energy. With energy costs ever increasing, a recovery audit program is an essential tool to help control costs.

    Our recovery audit services include data entry of your energy invoices and use of the Federal RPM, Energy Management Module to audit the accuracy of each invoice.

    Over the last 10 years our proprietary software has been used to recover over $250 million in expenditures related to real property.

    Task Tracker

    Task Tracker is specifically designed to improve the speed and accuracy of inter-office tasks required to translate a space requirement into an operational lease. It ensures that all appropriate documentation has been collected and all reviews and approvals obtained. Users and management can easily track the requirement through the fulfillment process. At the end of the process the new lease is automatically added to the real property portfolio.

    Specifically, Task Tracker supports the:
    • Definition of space requirements for leased space for buildings, land, or structures by the End-User Office (EUO)   
    • Assignment of the draft space requirement action by the Real Property Management Director Regional Chief (RP Chief) to a Real Property Contact Officer (RPCO) 
    • Draft and approval of the Acquisition Plan for the space requirement between the EUO and the RPCO
    • Where the determination is made that space can be fulfilled through GSA Assignments, the completion of the Occupancy Agreement 
    • Where the determination is made that space must be fulfilled by a commercial lease, Task Tracker supports all contracting steps required by the RPCO, including the review and approval by the Lease Review Board. At the end of this process the new lease is automatically added to the real property portfolio 
    Task Tracker provides the ability to plan, manage, and control your real property procurement activities.

    Energy Management

    Federal RPM's Energy Management System module provides the the ability to collect, allocate and report on the financial and non-financial data points of your Energy Management Program. It accounts for all energy types, their BTUs, and the cost per BTU.

    The electronic data interchange (EDI) component follows industry standards for the receipt and processing of electronic invoices. This capability improves the accuracy, timeliness, and level of detail of energy data, while eliminating costly data entry expenses.

    The advance meter component collects demand and consumption data from remote meters and/or building control systems. Exception alerts for unexpected demand/consumption are automatically identified with email notification sent to your energy managers.

    The module includes all reports required by DOE and fully complies with all energy regulations, including EPAct2005 and Energy Star.

    Everything in One Application Suite

    Basic inventory capability
    Financial tracking for GSA 

    Budget projections

    Energy conservation

    Preventive maintenance 

    Seismic safety

    Schedule a demo today!

     We want to understand your needs in order to tailor a cost-effective solution for you.
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